
276 Reid St, Quesnel
Intranet Website Systems

Intranet Website Systems

Any website built for the public, can also be built to use internally in any business or office. These pages can only be accessible to people on your network, and not to the general public.

An internal website, also called an intranet, can be used to automate processes, functions and data collection you use in your business. Multiple employees can input and access data from multiple terminals on your business network, which can then be printed, saved to PDFs or exported to formats that Excel can understand.

Same as the administration area of website, an intranet can employ login security which can be used to track who is entering what data, and control access to the system.

Instead of sharing excel spreadsheets across the network, or risk multiple versions of an excel file, for information you use frequently, you can instead save it to a database inside the network. Any database information can then be exported to excel afterwards, as it is a great platform for running reports, performing calculations, etc.

What do you need to host an intranet?

Any machine will do, it does not need to be a powerful one. It can sit alone in the corner of your office and just run the intranet and share other files for your staff, or run in the background of a machine in use.

Free software, called a WAMP Server, is downloaded and installed on this machine. Then the intranet files are copied to it and shared to anyone on the network.

Backups can be done manually, or through the software and stored elsewhere as a precaution. It's always a good idea to store a backup in a different location than your original data.

Why is this a great idea?

Why is this a great idea?

The pages, much like an excel spreadsheet, can be customized for whatever data you want to store. It can be tailored specifically to your business.

You could collect and store:

Phone contact lists

  • A calendar of events to remember in the office
  • Hours worked on certain projects
  • Employee Punch In / Punch Out
  • Trucks in your fleet and who has checked one out
  • A log of calls for certain clients
  • Anything you can think of!
Erica Lahoda Web Girl

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276 Reid St
Quesnel BC
V2J 2M2

Created By Erica Lahoda Web Girl